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  • 1.  Peer Feedback Tool

    Posted 01-14-2021 07:33
    I'm looking for a tool for students to provide feedback to each other on team projects. Any suggestions?

    Paul Thurston
    Siena College
    Loudonville NY
    (518) 782-6952

  • 2.  RE: Peer Feedback Tool

    Posted 01-15-2021 09:00

    Hi Paul,

    Check out CATME (https://info.catme.org/). I've been using it for years. Not only does it provide a platform and format for peer-to-peer feedback, it also has a team formation tool and analytics that can be used in grading student team participation/collaboration.

    Be well,


  • 3.  RE: Peer Feedback Tool

    Posted 01-15-2021 09:01


    Several of my colleagues and I use the TEAMMATES App. It's completely free of charge and very comprehensive. Barbara Larson and I did presentation at MOBTS last year showing how to use it.

    Here's the link ...


    To get started, click the green, "Request a Free Instructor Account"  button towards the lower right.


    Jason Pierce
    Assistant Professor
    UNC Greensboro
    Greensboro NC

  • 4.  RE: Peer Feedback Tool

    Posted 01-15-2021 10:08

    Hi Paul,

    I highly recommend ITPMetrics (https://www.itpmetrics.com/).
    Unlike some of the others mentioned, it's completely FREE (thanks to Tom O'Neil and his team).
    It divides peer feedback into 5 categories, which makes it more precise and less likely for students to give each other 5s across the board.
    Perhaps the best part of ITPMetrics is that students get pdf reports upon survey completion (so I also use it for personality assessments).

    Hope that helps!

    Kyle Brykman
    Odette School of Business
    Kingston ON
    (613) 484-1963

  • 5.  RE: Peer Feedback Tool

    Posted 01-20-2021 10:38
    I raised this same question in this forum in 2016. I'm curious if this direct link will take you to the compiled discussion on AOM Connect. If not you can log in to ob.aom.org and search for the title of the thread "Student Peer Evaluation Systems"

    Based on the replies I received back then, I compiled a public google spreadsheet listing known peer evaluation systems, features, cost, advantages and drawbacks. All those mentioned (e.g., CATME, TEAMMATES, ITPmetrics) are included as well as others. Anyone can click on the link to view the spreadsheet. Send suggested edits or corrections to me. The name of each peer-evaluation system in the spreadsheet is hyperlinked to its webpage so you can access it directly: 
    Hope this helps!
    Eean Crawford, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
    Henry B. Tippie Research Fellow
    Dept. of Management & Entrepreneurship
    Tippie College of Business
    University of Iowa
    W376 John Pappajohn Business Bldg. 
    Iowa City, IA 52242-1994
    Ph: (319) 335-2884
    Fx: (319) 335-1956

    Eean Crawford
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City IA
    (319) 335-2884