Cummings Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award

Sponsored by an OB Division endowment in the name of Larry Cummings, the Organizational Behavior Division recognizes the significant scholarly achievement during the early- to mid-career stage with the OB Division Cummings Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award. This award, created in honor of the late Professor Larry Cummings, recognizes the scholarly achievement of an early- to mid-career scholar.

Sponsored by the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

The OB Division places a high value on Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. These guiding principles are relevant as criteria for the OB Division Career Awards for Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA) and Cummings Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award (Cummings Award) in that we expect nominees to demonstrate the high standards expected in the field.


The scientific quality and methodological soundness of the work. Our field is based on robust, reliable, and valid methodologies and results.

  • The stature of the nominee as a scientist vis-à-vis other prominent scientists in the field.


The impact of their work on the field and society.

  • Centrality of their research to field of OB
  • Influence of the nominee’s contributions to the science of Organizational Behavior
    • The importance/significance of the contribution
    • Publishing high-impact articles in the very best journals
    • The impact that the work has had on the work of students and colleagues
    • Dissemination Recognize efforts to disseminate research findings to a wider audience, including industry professionals and the public


Collaborative efforts, leadership and involvement within the field and community.

  • Engagement in Academic Community: Active participation in academic discussions, conferences, and collaborations with other scholars.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Consider contributions of bridging academic disciplines and spanning boundaries between research traditions, scholarly conversations, or between different societal stakeholder groups.
  • Leadership & Service to the Profession: Evaluate contributions to the field, such as:
    • Leadership roles in the OB division and/or AOM
    • Editorial roles (serving as an action/associate editor of leading journals, serving on editorial boards of top journals)
    • Involvement in professional organizations related to organizational behavior
    • Involvement in community organizations that apply organizational behavior expertise
  • Mentorship: Recognize the mentorship of students and junior faculty, as well as the fostering of a collaborative and supportive research and learning environment.

Ethical Conduct

Nominees are expected to not violate AOM's values in their professional or personal behavior. If allegations of ethical misconduct are identified, nominees will be asked to defer until the issues are resolved and apply in a later year.

Two winners for 2024: Anthony Klotz (University College London) and Klodiana Lanaj (University of Florida)

Anthony Klotz is a true thought leader and public intellectual for our field, naming “The Great Resignation” and creating incredible visibility for our field and raising awareness that OB scholars are studying timely, impactful events that affect people’s lives. He has actively supported the AOM OB Division, among others, by participating in a multitude of professional development workshops and conference sessions. He is an excellent representative of our field.

Klodiana Lanaj’s research has helped transform what we know about the study of leadership from a dynamic, within-person perspective, looking at both the costs and benefits to leaders’ daily lives. She is not only producing high quality research, but also developing the next generation of scholars in the field.Overall, Klodiana’s research is incredibly impactful, and she is a fantastic mentor for OB scholars.

Past award winners:

  • 2022 Jessica Rodell (University of Arizona)
  • 2021 Allison Gabriel (University of Arizona)
  • 2020 Christopher Barnes (University of Washington)
  • 2019 Scott DeRue (University of Michigan)
  • 2018 Russell Johnson (Michigan State University)
  • 2017 Mo Wang ( University of Florida)
  • 2016 Dave Mayer (University of Michigan)
  • 2015 Brent Scott (Michigan State University)
  • 2014 Aparna Joshi (Pennsylvania State University)
  • 2013 Francesca Gino (Harvard University)
  • 2012 Hui Liao (University of Maryland)
  • 2011 Adam M. Grant (University of Pennsylvania)
  • 2010 Maria L. (University of Iowa)
  • 2009 Remus Ilies (Michigan State University)
  • 2008 Gilad Chen (University of Maryland)
  • 2007 Don Moore (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • 2006 Jason Colquitt (University of Florida)
  • 2005 Jeffrey LePine (University of Florida)
  • 2004 Jean Phillips (Rutgers University)
  • 2003 Amy Edmondson (Harvard Business School)
  • 2002 Michele Gelfand (University of Maryland)
  • 2001 Timothy A. Judge (University of Florida)
  • 2000 Sandra L. Robinson (University of British Columbia)
  • 1999 Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison (New York University)
  • 1998 Jennifer Chatman (University of California, Berkeley)