Publication Awards

Two types of publication awards are made:

AOM - OB Division Outstanding Publication in OB Award

Sponsored by the Journal of Managerial Psychology 

This award recognizes the publication that represents the most significant contribution to the advancement of the field of organizational behavior.

The 2023 recipients of the Outstanding Publication in OB Award are:

Olivia (Mandy) O'Neill

George Mason University

Natalya Alonso

University of Calgary

Natalya Alonso and Olivia (Mandy) O'Neill (2022). Going Along to Get Ahead: The Asymmetric Effects of Sexist Joviality on Status Conferral, Organization Science, 33(5), 1794-1815.

Thank you to the award committee: Ned Wellman (Chair), Rosalind Chow, Rachel Frieder, Dana Harari, Hengchen Dai, Irene De Pater, Xu Huang, Lawrence Houston, Chase Thiel, Jiseon Shin.

Award Winner By The Year

  • 2022: Priti Pradhan Shah (U. Minnesota), Randall Peterson (London Business School), Stephen Jones (U. Washington Bothell), and Amanda Ferguson (Northern Illinois U.) for Things are not always what they seem: The origins and evolution of intergroup conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66, 426-474
  • 2021: Allison Gabriel (U. Arizona), Sabrina Volpone (U. Colorado Boulder), Rebecca MacGowan (U. Arizona), Marcus Butts (SMU) and Christina Moram (March and Co)
  • 2020: Jennifer Chatman (Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley), Lindred L. Greer (University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business), Eliot Sherman (London Business School), and Bernadette Doerr (UC Berkeley Haas School of Business) for Blurred Lines: How the Collectivism Norm Operates Through Perceived Group Diversity to Boost or Harm Group Performance in Himalayan Mountain Climbing
  • 2019 Aruna Ranganathan (Stanford), for The artisan and his audience: Identification with work and price setting in a handicraft cluster in Southern India. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63: 637-667.
  • 2018 Riana Brands (London Business School) & Isabel Fernandez-Mateo (London Business School) for Leaning Out: How Negative Recruitment Experiences Shape Women’s Decisions to Compete for Executive Roles. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62, 405-442.
  • 2017 Jason Greenberg (New York University), Ethan Mollick (University of Pennsylvania) for Activist Choice Homophily and the Crowdfunding of Female Founders. Administrative Science Quarterly, 62, 2, 341–374.
  • 2016 Yan Zhang (Peking University), David Waldman (Arizona State University), Yu-Lan Han (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics), and Xiao-Bei Li (East China University of Science and Technology) for Paradoxical leader behaviors in people management: Antecedents and consequences. Academy of Management Journal, 58: 538-566.
  • 2015 Tiziana Casciaro (Rotman School of Management), Francesca Gino (Harvard Business School), Maryam Kouchaki (Kellogg School of Management) for The Contaminating Effects of Building Instrumental Ties: How Networking Can Make Us Feel Dirty. Administrative Science Quarterly, 59, 4, 705-735.
  • 2014 Daniel Cable (London Business School), Francisco Gino (Harvard Business School), and Bradley Staats (University of North Carolina) for Breaking Them In or Eliciting Their Best? Reframing Socialization Around Newcomers’ Authentic Self-Expression. Administrative Science Quarterly, 58, 1-36.
  • 2013 Ethan S. Bernstein (Harvard University) for The transparency paradox: A role for privacy in organizational learning and operational control. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57, 181-216.
  • 2012 James Detert (Cornell University) and Amy Edmondson (Harvard University) for Implicit voice theories: Taken-for-granted rules of self-censorship at work. Academy of Management Journal, 54, 461-488.
  • 2011 Emilio J. Castilla (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Stephen Benard (Indiana University) for The paradox of meritocracy in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 55, 543-576.
  • 2010 J. Stuart Bunderson (Washington University at St. Louis) and Jeffery A. Thompson (Brigham Young University) for The call of the wild: Zookeepers, callings, and the double-edged sword of deeply meaningful work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 54, 32-57.
  • 2009 Joshua Margolis (Harvard University) and Andrew Molinsky (Brandeis University) for Navigating the bind of necessary evils: Psychological engagement and the production of interpersonally sensitive behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 51(5), 847-872.
  • 2008 Arijit Chatterjee and Donald C. Hambrick for It's all about me: Narcissistic chief executive officers and their effects on company strategy and performance. article published in Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(3), 351-386.
  • 2007 Glen Kreiner, Elaine Hollensbe, and Matthew Sheep for Where is the "me" among "we"? Identity work and the search for optimal balance. Academy of Management Journal, 49(5), 1031-1057.
  • 2006 Raymond T. Sparrowe & Robert C. Liden, for Two routes to influence: Integrating leader-member exchange and network perspectives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50, 505-535.
  • 2005 Seibert, S. E., Silver, S. R., & Randolph, W. A., for Taking empowerment to the next level: A multiple-level model of empowerment, performance, and satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 47, 332-349.
  • 2004 Elsbach, K.D., & Kramer, R.M. for Assessing creativity in Hollywood pitch meetings: Evidence for a dual process model of creativity judgments. Academy of Management Journal, 46, 283-301.
  • 2004 Schneider, B., Hanges, P. J., Smith, D. B., & Salvaggio, A. N. for Which comes first: Employee attitudes or organizational financial and market performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 836-851.
  • 2003 Jeff Polzer, Laurie Milton and Bill Swann for Capitalizing on Diversity: Interpersonal Congruence in Small Work Groups. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47 (2) 296-324.
  • 2003 Jim Harter, Frank Schmidt and Ted Hayes for Business-Unit-Level Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction Employee Engagement, and Business Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (2), 268–279.
  • 2002 Terry Mitchell and Tom Lee for The unfolding model of voluntary turnover and job embeddedness: Foundations for a comprehensive theory of attachment. Research in Organizational Behavior, 23, 189–246.
  • 2001 Pino Audia, Ed Locke and Ken Smith for The Paradox of Success: An Archival and a Laboratory Study of Strategic Persistence Following Radical Environmental Change. The Academy of Management Journal, 43 (5), 837-853
  • 2000 Amy C. Edmondson (Harvard Business School) for Psychological safety and working behaviour in work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44 (4), 350–383.
  • 1999 Dora C. Lau and J. Keith Murnighan for Demographic Diversity and Faultlines: The Compositional Dynamics of Organizational Groups. Academy of Management Review, 23 (2), 325-340.
  • 1998 Barbara Lawrence for The black box of organizational demography. Organization Science, 8 (1) 1-22
  • 1995 Chao, G. T., O'Leary-Kelly, A. M., Wolf, S., Klein, H. J., Gardner, P. D. for Organizational socialization: Its content and consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79 (5), 730-743.
  • 1993 Anne S. Tsui, Terri D. Egan, Charles A. O'Reilly III for Being Different: Relational Demography and Organizational Attachment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 549-579.
  • 1989 G. P. Latham, M. Erez and E.A. Locke for *Resolving scientific disputes by the joint design of crucial experiments by the antagonists: application to the Erez-Latham dispute regarding participation in goal setting. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73 ( 4),753-772.
  • 1988 Katherine J. Klein for Employee stock ownership and employee attitudes: A test of three models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72 (2), 319-332.

AOM - OB Division Outstanding Practitioner-Oriented Publication in OB

Sponsored by Google’s People Innovation Lab 

This award recognizes the publication that provides the most significant contribution to the practice of management in the field of Organizational Behavior.

The 2022 recipients of the Outstanding Practitioner-Oriented Publication in OB Award are:

Kevin Kniffin

Cornell University

James Detert

University of Virginia

Hannes Leroy

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Kevin Kniffin, James Detert, and Hannes Leroy (2022), Saving management from our obsession with leadership. MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(4), 1-9.

Thank you to the award committee: Carol Gill (Chair), Vanessa Druskat, Margarita Mayo, Danielle van Jaarsveld, Kristin Bain, Chris Myers, Brad Winn, Matt Piszczek, Chris Reina, Ronald Bledow.

Award winners by year

  • 2022 Francesca Gino (Harvard Business School) and Katherine Coffman (Harvard Business School) for Unconscious Bias Training That Works. Harvard Business Review, 00178012, Sep/Oct2021, Vol. 99, Issue 5.
  • 2021 Robin Ely (Harvard Business School) and David Thomas (Morehouse College)
  • 2020 Morela Hernandez (Darden School of Business, University of Virginia), Roshni Raveendhran (Darden School of Business, University of Virginia), Elizabeth Weingarten (ideas42), and Michaela Barnett (Convergent Behavioral Science Initiative, University of Virginia) for How algorithms can diversify the startup pool. MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall.
  • 2019 Jennifer Petriglieri (INSEAD) for Talent management and the dual-career couple. Harvard Business Review, May-June: 106-113.
  • 2018 Laura Kray (Berkley) & Jessica Kennedy (Vanderbilt) for Changing the Narrative: Women as Negotiators—and Leaders. California Management Review, 60, 70-87.
  • 2017 Frank Dobbin (Harvard University), Alexandra Kalev (Tel Aviv University) for Why Diversity Programs Fail. Harvard Business Review, July-August 2016, 52–60.
  • 2016 Herminia Ibarra (INSEAD) for The authenticity paradox. Harvard Business Review, January-February 2015, 52-59.
  • 2015 Ethan Bernstein (Harvard Business School) for The Transparency Trap. Harvard Business Review, 92(10) 58-66.
  • 2014 Lisa Calvano (West Chester University) for Tug of War: Caring for Our Elders While Remaining Productive at Work. Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(3) 204-218.
  • 2013 Alex Pentland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for The New Science of Building Great Teams. Harvard Business Review, 90(4), 60-70.
  • 2012 Gary Ballinger (University of Virginia), Elizabeth Craig (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Rob Cross (University of Virginia) and Peter Gray (Boston College) for A stitch in time saves nine: Leveraging networks to reduce the costs of turnover. California Management Review, 53, 111-133.
  • 2011 David G. Allen (University of Memphis), Phillip C. Bryant (Christian Brothers University), and James M. Varadaman (Mississippi State University) for Retaining talent: Replacing misconceptions with evidence-based strategies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24, 48-64.
  • 2010 Haig Nalbantian and Richard Guzzo (both Mercer Human Resource Consulting) for Making mobility matter. Harvard Business Review, March 2009, 76-84.
  • 2009 Rob Cross (University of Virginia) and Robert Thomas (Tufts University) for How top talent uses networks and where rising stars get trapped. Organizational Dynamics, 2008, 37: 165-180.
  • 2008 David J. Snowden and Mary E. Boone for A leader's framework for decision making. Harvard Business Review in November 2007.
  • 2007 Brooks C. Holtom, Terence R. Mitchell, & Thomas W. Lee for Increasing human and social capital by applying job embeddedness theory. Organizational Dynamics, 35(4), 316-331.
  • 2006 D. Christopher Hayes, for The destructive pursuit of idealized goals. Organizational Dynamics, 34(4), 391-401.