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Interested in getting involved with the Global Committee of the Organizational Behavior Division?

  • 1.  Interested in getting involved with the Global Committee of the Organizational Behavior Division?

    Posted 09-08-2021 09:15

    The Global Committee (GC) of the Organizational Behavior Division welcomes and supports the international members of the OB division, leveraging the international character of the division, and ensuring that its offerings and services reflect the increasingly international membership.   For example, the GC organizes PDWs and Social Events with an international orientation, assists the Executive Committee of the OB Division on issues related to international content and global membership and collects information regarding the needs and preferences of non-US division members. Currently, the GC includes OB scholars from around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Kenya, Norway, Peru, Singapore, Turkey, UK, and the US.

    The GC will meet on Tuesday Sept 14 to discuss its existing and new activities and events and we would be happy to include new faces and fresh ideas in our work! If you are interested in joining and getting active in the GC, please get in touch with Maikki Diehl (marjo-riitta.diehl@aalto.fi). Even if you cannot join us next week, we can discuss ways how you can get involved! 

    On behalf of the Global Committe, 
    Maikki Diehl
    Aalto University School of Business 

    Marjo-RIitta Diehl
    Aalto University School of Business