Dear Colleagues,
My research team is conducting a meta-analysis on leader humor. In order to reduce the 'publication bias' in the meta-analysis, we are looking for unpublished studies. We are interested in the correlations between leader humor and any other variables captured from a sample of working adults.
We would highly appreciate if you could provide us with the correlations between leader humor and any other variables, the measure(s) of leader humor, the sample size (including mean organizational/job tenure, mean age, percentage of women of the sample if possible), and the name of the country and type of the industry, from which the data has been collected, as well as the citation for your unpublished studies. Finally, if applicable, please indicate if the variable source is from the follower or the leader and if the followers were nested within leaders. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
If you do have unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, works-in-progress, in press, or theses that you are willing to share, please send the requested information in an email to by March 31st. Thank you!
Kind regards,
Xiaohong (Violet) Xu
Xiaohong Xu
San Antonio TX