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Call for unpublished studies in bottom-line mentality

  • 1.  Call for unpublished studies in bottom-line mentality

    Posted 10-08-2022 12:45
    Dear colleagues,

    I am currently conducting a meta-analysis on the impact of supervisor and employee bottom-line mentality on workplace correlates, including but not limited to unethical pro-work behaviors, counterproductive work behaviors, employee task performance, knowledge hiding, work-family conflict, and commitment. My coauthors and I are now seeking unpublished manuscripts or data (e.g., work in-press or in progress, dissertations, theses, and unpublished conference papers). 

    If you have unpublished research capturing relationships between bottom-line mentality and (a) employee behaviors (e.g., CWBs) or (b) employee attitudes (e.g., commitment, satisfaction), we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with the following information about the data: correlations, measures, reliability, sample size, country, industry, and rater/ratee source -- source being one of the main moderators we hope to explore. 

    Please send information to cdishop@andrew.cmu.edu, preferably within the next month. 

    Please know that your data will only be used for this meta-analytic purpose. 


    Christopher Dishop

    Christopher R. Dishop
    Post-Doctoral Fellow of Organizational Behavior
    Tepper School of Business
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh, PA