Dear OB division members,
My colleagues and I are seeking unpublished studies to include in a meta-analysis on self-other agreement of psychological constructs. We would greatly appreciate you sharing any unpublished datasets, theses, dissertations, or conference presentations that meet the following criteria:
- Contains both a self-rating and an other-rating of a state-like, rather than trait-like, managerial psychological construct (e.g., engagement, commitment, conflict, turnover intentions, psychological strain, etc.).
- Data is collected from a field, rather than a laboratory, setting.
- Other-rating data is provided from a workplace other (i.e., supervisor, subordinate, or coworker).
If you have any unpublished data that meet this criteria, please email me at We are considering a very broad list of constructs, so if you are unsure whether your data fits, please send it or reach out anyway!
Thank you for your consideration,
Kristina Tirol-Carmody
Kristina Tirol-Carmody
University of Kansas
Lawrence KS