Good question. I've done OB research for over 50 years and can't recall a specific belonging scale.
My first thought is a definition of belonging would be useful
Second, my guess is belonging is closely related to cohesiveness.
Perhaps one or more of these articles would be useful:
Salas, E., Grossman, R., Hughes, A. M., & Coultas, C. W. (2015). Measuring Team Cohesion: Observations from the Science. Human Factors, 57(3), 365-374.
Macgowan MJ. The group engagement measure: a review of its conceptual and empirical properties. J Groups Addict Recover 2006;1:33–52
Shadish WR. The validity of a measure of intimate behavior. Small Group Behav 1986;17:113–20.
As you see, cohesiveness is relevant in a clinical as well as a work context.
Third, perhaps beloning is related to commitment. I and a couple of colleagues have recently examined organization commitment measures. We learned at least two of most frequently used including the Allen and Meyer 3 factor one, are confounded with job satisfaction. More recently, Howard Klein and colleagues have developed a short, versatile scale that appears well-validated and has been employed in a number of studies including some outside the US. See:Klein, H.J., Cooper, J.T., Molloy, J.C., & Swanson, J.A. (2014). The assessment of commitment: advantages of a unidimensional, target-free approach. Journal of applied psychology, 99 2, 222-38
I hope one or more of these are useful.
Thomas Stone
Oklahoma State University
Tulsa OK
(918) 630-4679
Original Message:
Sent: 12-07-2023 14:18
From: Clark Warner
Subject: Seeking a scale on belonging
Can anyone point me to a validated (or even partially developed) scale on belonging in the workplace? I just had a student ask me about this but have not found anything as of yet.
Clark Warner
Boston U. Questrom School of Business
Boston MA
United States
(617) 353-9826