Dear all:
The Iovine and Young Academy (IYA) for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation at the University of Southern California (USC) invites applications for a full-time postdoctoral position in learning and sociotechnical innovation to begin in the Fall 2024 semester. As part of a larger grant initiative, we seek a postdoc (12-month term, with an opportunity for a second-year renewal) who will advance the efforts to discover and deliver learning and innovation processes and experiences, design novel sociotechnical environments, and outcomes.
The position focuses on applied research in learning and innovation emerging at IYA, USC and beyond, focusing on the intersection of technology, arts and design, and business of innovation. A key goal is to design, analyze, and assess components related to the groundbreaking IYA learning and innovation framework across pedagogy and curriculum, design spaces and sociotechnical environments, learning culture/environment, and active industry/community collaborations. Candidates with expertise and interests in the following areas will be given priority (with willingness to bring in and delve into diverse/interdisciplinary bodies of literature): collaboration, learning innovation, sociotechnical systems and design, interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary/metadisciplinary learning, ethics, educational technologies, and sociocultural learning theories and applications, as well as integrated and inclusive design/pedagogy. Candidates should possess strong writing skills and demonstrated skills related to conducting hybrid/mixed research methods relevant to studying learning, design, and innovation processes, or for conducting sociotechnical or user research.
For more information, follow this link:
Review begins on April 15th, 2024. Please contact at for any other questions.
SeoYoon Sung, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Technology, Innovation and Learning
USC Iovine and Young Academy
University of Southern California (USC)