I'm looking for expressions of interest in a 3-year post-doc position at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, working with me to explore organizing at the intersection of homelessness and hospice care. The position will be situated in the Corporate Centre for Reputation which hosts a flourishing community of post-docs. The project requires experience in qualitative methods, fluency in social constructionist theories of organization, and experience researching or working in healthcare or social service organizations. If you are or know of a recent PhD graduate with interest in this position, please contact me. tom.lawrence@sbs.ox.ac.uk
Tom Lawrence
Professor of Strategy
Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Constructing Organizational Life (Oxford University Press)
Social-Symbolic Work | Exploring the Turn to Work in Social Science and Society
Online Asynchronous Seminar on Social-Symbolic Work
SBS Website | Google Scholar