Dear OB Division colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the Spring 2024 issue of Personnel Psychology is now published. This is our Special Issue on Organizational Behavior and HRM Perspectives on Entrepreneurship.
Thanks to the effort of our Guest Editors David Waldman, Ute Stephan, Zhaoli Song, Miriam Erez, and Don Siegel, this special issue has a great collection of nine articles. Many of these articles are Open Access. In addition, we have three fantastic book reviews. Enjoy this issue of Personnel Psychology!
Early View articles and content alert sign-up are available on this page.
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Special Issue Articles: Organizational Behavior and HRM Perspectives on Entrepreneurship
Organizational behavior and human resource management perspectives on entrepreneurship: Lessons learned and new directions (link) Open Access
David A. Waldman, Ute Stephan, Zhaoli Song, Miriam Erez, Donald Siegel
Affiliation-based hiring in startups and the origins of organizational diversity (link) Open Access
Rhett Andrew Brymer, Vera Rocha
Entrepreneur weirdness as a double-edged sword: Effects on product creativity and investor attraction (link) Open Access
Jun-Yeob Kim, Emily Grijalva, Daniel A. Newman, Yong Li
Unpacking the nonlinear effect of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship: Why and under which condition more is not better (link)
Marilyn A. Uy, Shuhua Sun, Michael M. Gielnik, Gabriel Henry Jacob, John Luis D. Lagdameo, Armando G. Miclat Jr., Enrico C. Osi
Hidden treasures or red flags? A recruiter's view of (not) hiring former entrepreneurs into corporate jobs (link)
Jie Feng, Danni Wang, Lei Huang, Ruoyong Zhang
There's no going back? The influence of prior entrepreneurial experience timing on voluntary turnover in post-entrepreneurship wage employment (link)
Siran Zhan, Liwen Zhang, Xueheng Li, Yu Wu
When old and new selves collide: Identity conflict and entrepreneurial nostalgia among ex-entrepreneurs (link) Open Access
Jordan D. Nielsen, J. Jeffrey Gish
Entrepreneurial identity and entrepreneurial action: A within-person field study (link) Open Access
Regan Stevenson, Cristiano L. Guarana, Jaewook Lee, Savannah L. Conder, Paulo Arvate, Charles Bonani
The many faces of entrepreneurial loneliness (link) Open Access
Melissa S. Cardon, Rebecca P. Arwine
Book Reviews
Human resource management: A very short introduction By Adrian Wilkinson, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press 2022 (link)
Steven Toaddy
Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-Driven HR by Nadeem Khan & Dave Millner. ( 1st Edition). Kogan Page Limited. 2020, 325 pages, 39.99 USD, Paperback (link)
Bharati B. Belwalkar
Getting to diversity: What works and what doesn't by Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2022. 199 pages, $29.95 hardcover (link)
Mary Lee Stansifer, Gisella Bassani, Mohamad Saleh
Zhen Zhang, Ph.D.
Editor, Personnel Psychology
Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University