The latest issue (Vol 16, Issue 4) of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IOP) is now available. We invite you to explore this issue's content, which features the following two focal articles and their accompanying commentaries:
Industrial-organizational psychologists and volunteer work - by Nancy Tippins, Milton Hakel, Karen Grabow, Elizabeth Kolmstetter, Joel Moses, David Oliver, Peter Scontrino (
Moving boundaries on what I-O has been, and what I-O can be: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as an organizing framework - by Morrie Mullins, Julie Olson-Buchanan (
IOP focuses on interactive exchanges on topics of importance to science and practice. The journal features focal articles such as those above that present new ideas or different takes on existing ideas to stimulate conversation on an important issue. Each focal article is accompanied by commentaries that challenge, expand upon, discuss applicability of, or otherwise add to the points raised in the focal articles.
Satoris S. Howes, Ph.D.
(she, her, hers pronouns)
Toomey Faculty Fellow and Professor of Management
Editor, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
College of Business | Oregon State University
1500 SW Chandler Ave. | Bend, OR 97702