Are you working on cognition-related research? Would you like to discuss your work with major scholars in the field? Now is the time to prepare for the 26th annual “COGNITION IN THE ROUGH” workshop to be held at the Academy of Management conference in Boston, August 2023. Please see below for more information, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Representatives-at-Large, Sophie Leroy ( and Winnie Jiang (
The Cognition in the Rough workshop (CIR) provides an excellent opportunity to discuss your research in an informal, collegial roundtable setting. CIR is intended to help scholars develop a research paper. Each roundtable will have 2-3 facilitators to give feedback on 3-4 early-stage research papers, allowing plenty of time for discussion. Regardless of whether you are a senior or a more junior researcher, this workshop offers you an invaluable opportunity to receive detailed feedback from scholars who are often editors or on the editorial board of top journals.
In particular, many past CIR participants have emphasized how much they have benefited from their participation in the workshop in terms of developing their theoretical models and their planned methodology. This feedback has been instrumental in helping them further develop and polish their research for publication in top academic journals.
Whether this is your first major research project or your fiftieth, this is a chance you won’t want to miss!
We are very pleased that the following scholars have agreed to participate: Neal Ashkanasy, Michelle Barton, Andrea Casey, Marlys Christianson, Kevin Corley, Erik Dane, Margaret Gorman, Gerard Hodgkinson, Jennifer Kish-Gephart, Theresa Lant, Nora Madjar, Luis Martins, Stephen Mezias, Chet Miller, Frances Milliken, Kevin Rockmann, Naomi Rothman, Sim Sitkin, David Sluss.
Submission due date: June 10, 2023
Send submissions to:
Acceptance notices and registration codes will be sent out after June 30, 2023
This roundtable workshop is open to junior and senior scholars who are doing research related to managerial and organizational cognition. Pre-registration for the PDW is required and space is limited. Submissions will be evaluated to ensure fit with the session and priority will be given to early submissions and first-time attendees. Given space constraints, the expectation for this PDW is that, even for co-authored papers with multiple authors, only one author will attend the PDW to represent the paper. This PDW is intended to help authors develop work in progress and, as a result, we cannot accept papers that have already been accepted for presentation elsewhere at the AOM 2023 Annual Meeting. Please review and follow the submission guidelines carefully.
Your submission should include the following five sections:
I. Title page
a. On the title page, in addition to the paper’s title and the names and affiliations of the authors, please also indicate whether each author is a doctoral student or faculty member
II. Abstract (NOT to exceed 150 words) and four keywords (from the following list):
Attributions, Biases & Heuristics
Cognitive Schema, Scripts, Mental Models/Maps
Creativity, Innovation & Improvisation
Decision Making/Distributed Decision Making
Intuition/Dual process theories
Knowledge Management
Learning: Individual/Organizational
Corporate image/reputation
Individuals' identification, commitment or "fit"
Organizational identity
Social Identity
Institutional Change
Institutional Logics, Beliefs or Norms
Legitimacy, Isomorphism, Institutionalization Processes
Computer Simulation
Experimental/Laboratory Study
Qualitative (case study, content analysis, interview, narratives...)
Organizational Change
Social/Human/Intellectual Capital
Strategy/Strategic capabilities and resources
Positive or Generative Organizing
Positive Relationships & Relational Practice
Virtues & Values
Language: Rhetoric, Metaphor, Labeling
Meaning-making at work, task design, job crafting
Sensemaking/Social Construction
Symbols & Artifacts
Community/Communities of practice
Team/group dynamics, processes, and outcomes
Top Management Teams
Virtual Teams
II. Overview of research (NOT to exceed 1500 words), including
- Research topic
- Conceptual framework
- Research questions
- Methods
- Anticipated contributions to research/practice and/or key findings (if research is complete)
III. Challenges (the area on which you would like to focus discussion) (not to exceed 250 words)
IV. References
Winnie Jiang