Dear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to announce an enriching opportunity for scholars, practitioners, and advocates to present their work on self-care at the 17th Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Conference, taking place May 27-29 in the beautiful city of Seville, Spain.
Conference Theme: This year, the conference organizers spotlight the critical theme of gender equality across the spectrum and have invited a diverse range of voices and perspectives.
About Stream #15:
In Stream #15: "Examining Self-Care Practices and Espoused vs Enacted Institutional Values Using an EDI Lens," we aim to delve into self-care as a form of empowerment and resistance against systemic gendered racism. We also seek to discuss how the well-being values espoused by institutions are often at odds with the actual practices within organizations.
What We Are Looking For:
We invite empirical, theoretical, and methodological contributions that reimagine self-care as a transformative tool for social justice and organizational change. Drawing inspiration from intersectional feminist scholarship (Collins, 1990; Combahee River Collective, 1986; hooks, 1994), we encourage submissions that challenge traditional narratives and offer new insights into studying and overcoming systemic and intersectional forms of oppression.
Submission Guidelines:
We invite long abstracts (minimum of 5 pages) or full papers for submission. All contributions will be subject to a thorough peer review process, ensuring a rich and diverse dialogue at the conference.
Submission Deadline: March 23, 2024
Submission Process: For detailed submission guidelines and to submit your work, please visit the conference website:
We eagerly anticipate your contributions, which promise to deepen our collective understanding of self-care through the lens of EDI. Join us in Seville to share your insights and forge connections with like-minded individuals committed to advancing self-care, integrating intersectional feminist epistemologies, and championing emancipatory knowledge and praxis.
Best, Stream #15 Co-Chairs:
Samantha E. Erskine, PhD, UMass Boston College of Management
Juanita K. Forrester, PhD, Stetson-Hatcher School of Business at Mercer University
Samantha E. Erskine, Ph.D. (she/her/ella)
Assistant Professor
College of Management
University of Massachusetts Boston
samantha.erskine@umb.eduErskine, S., Brassel, S., & Robotham, K. (2023). Exposé of women's workplace experiences challenges antiracist leaders to step up. Catalyst.