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CSOL Academy | Call for Applications | Deadline March 17 | Carnegie School of Organizational Learning

  • 1.  CSOL Academy | Call for Applications | Deadline March 17 | Carnegie School of Organizational Learning

    Posted 02-01-2024 08:41
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    CSOL Academy 2024

    We are pleased to announce the third CSOL Academy, a no-fee summer school to be held fully online on June 10-14, 2024. The Academy is organized by the Carnegie School of Organizational Learning, a community of scholars interested in organizational theory, learning, decision-making, and adaptation. We are seeking out a diverse group of participants, old and new to the field, who would like to deepen their knowledge about the "Carnegie School."

    The motivation for the summer school is to facilitate the dissemination of foundational ideas and recent developments in the tradition of the Carnegie School. As such, the summer school will be taught by scholars who have contributed to our understanding of the complexity of how organizations behave and adapt. The lecturers this year include:

    Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi)

    Claus Rerup (Frankfurt)

    Connie Helfat (Dartmouth)

    Dev Dutta (New Hampshire)

    Hart Posen (Dartmouth)

    Linus Dahlander (ESMT)

    Martin Schulz (British Columbia)

    Songcui Hu (Arizona)

    Thomas Keil (Zurich)

    Vibha Gaba (INSEAD)

    Tentative topics to be covered: Performance-based feedback, multiple goals, networked learning, theory-driven strategic decision-making, learning in entrepreneurial ecosystems, evolutionary theory, social evaluation, uncertainty, rare events, and rule dynamics.

    The program structure will involve each scholar giving a one hour pre-recorded lecture, suggesting a list of key readings complementing that lecture, and a live virtual 90-minute Zoom seminar as well as panel discussions. The participants will also have full access to all the materials from last year (available at: https://www.csolconference.org/academy-materials).

    Participation in the CSOL Academy will equip you with a deep understanding of not only the foundational work of behavioral theory, organizational learning, and the Carnegie School but also more recent 'hot topics' in the field. Participants will be expected to read seminal articles in the field, watch the pre-recorded lectures, and be prepared to ask questions in the live virtual seminars. There is no fee for attending the summer school.

    How to Apply: 

    (1) Complete the application form via this link (you need to have a Google account):


    • Upload your CV (via the application form linked above)
    • Upload a one-page document describing your current research activities and how a stronger understanding of the Carnegie School could contribute to them (via the application form linked above)

    (2) For doctoral students, please ask a member of your doctoral committee to send a brief recommendation letter to Jose Arrieta (j.p.arrieta@uva.nl) and Emanuel Ubert (ubert@rsm.nl).

    Applications are due no later than March 17, 2024. Admitted candidates will be notified latest by mid-April 2024. For any specific inquiry or clarification, contact Jose Arrieta (j.p.arrieta@uva.nl), Franziska Lauenstein (fsu@sam.sdu.dk), or Emanuel Ubert (ubert@rsm.nl).

    We kindly encourage you to extend this invitation to your network of doctoral students and junior researchers who may be interested in this program.

    CSOL Academy Organizing Committee

    Emanuel Ubert (Erasmus University), Franziska Lauenstein (Southern Denmark University), Jose Arrieta (University of Amsterdam), Daniella Laureiro Martinez (ETH-Zurich), David Maslach (Florida State University), and Phanish Puranam (INSEAD)

    Jose Arrieta
    Assistant Professor
    University of Amsterdam


    CSOL Academy Call 2024.pdf   161 KB 1 version