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Conference on Workplace Mobbing (Onsite and Virtual options)

  • 1.  Conference on Workplace Mobbing (Onsite and Virtual options)

    Posted 03-18-2024 10:34
    Edited by Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam 05-27-2024 19:06
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    Dear Colleagues:

    You are invited to attend a conference being hosted by Niagara University, "Niagara Conference on Workplace Mobbing," that will feature leading scholars, opportunities to share your research, and to be published. The conference is July 22-24.

    See below for the full invitation.

    For an overview and conference registration information, visit Conference on Workplace Mobbing

    Niagara Conference on Workplace Mobbing Invitation

    May 15, 2024

    Dear Colleague:

    We warmly invite you to join us, either in person or virtually, at the hybrid Niagara Conference on Workplace Mobbing scheduled for Monday to Wednesday, July 22-24, 2024, at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, in New York, USA. This conference initiates an effort to establish workplace mobbing as a comprehensive scholarly discipline.

    More than half a century has passed since Lorenz and Heineman first identified mobbing behavior in animals and then in children. As we approach the half-century mark of Leymann’s (1996) groundbreaking extension to adult workplace behavior, and with Kenneth Westhues (2004) and Westhues and Jansen’s (1999) cutting edge Eliminating Professors and The Envy of Excellence: Administrative Mobbing of High Achieving Professors (2005) now at its quarter-century mark (Kenneth WesthuesMobbing Website), the study of mobbing has evolved into a vibrant field (e.g., Branch, Ramsay, & Barker, 2013; Yamada, Duffy, & Berry, 2018).

    Amidst an abundance of scholarly work, numerous case studies, and a multitude of unreported and underreported instances of mobbing, it is imperative and critical to formally recognize workplace mobbing as a distinct phenomenon and differentiate it from other forms of abuse, such as bullying, harassment and discrimination. This conference serves as a platform to comprehensively address the urgent need to establish workplace as a dedicated discipline. 

    This conference aims to establish a connected and interactive community of mobbing scholars, labor experts, and committed attorneys, with the following objectives: 


           A clear conceptualization of workplace mobbing: Identify clear empirical distinctions that set mobbing apart from the broader term of bullying, emphasizing the multidimensional structural framework of workplace mobbing. 


           Mobbing as a scholarly subfield: Establish a disciplinary framework for mobbing, acknowledging its presence in psychology, sociology, administration, political science, economics, and many other disciplines.


           Scientific research on workplace mobbing: Encourage theory and research on root causes and common consequences, profiles of mobbers, and implications for organizations, aiming for generalizable findings and effective anti-mobbing policies and laws.  


           Policy impact: Publish an edited collection of carefully selected papers as an outcome of the conference. Prospective publishers include Routledge, Emerald, and Bristol University Press. This book will identify directions for future research and promising initiatives for policy. 

    Niagara University has graciously offered to host this inaugural event alongside the nonprofit Niagara Conference on Workplace Mobbing Ltd. (N.Y. incorporation pending). We are privileged to have several co-sponsors, including the Society of Socio-Economists. While we encourage in-person attendance for the opportunity to connect, reconnect, and exchange ideas, amidst the scenic splendor of the world-famous Niagara Falls scenery, we recognize that some who want to take part lack time and resources for travel. Therefore, the conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for both in-person and virtual participation. 

    For in-person participants, the registration fee is $100. This includes a place at the conference dinner scheduled for Tuesday evening, July 23, 2024, and a complimentary tour of attractions on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. For virtual participants, registration fee is $50. This includes the opportunity to hear all presentations, to raise questions, give feedback, and participate in discussions. Due to space limitations, the number of in-person participants is limited to 100.

    The following are the deadlines:

    May 31, 2024 – Deadline for submission of abstracts for those wishing to make presentations

    July 1, 2024 – Deadline for conference registration ($50 virtual; $100 in person)

    Please note that there are only 100 spaces, and that registration may have to be closed before July 1. To secure your place, please register as soon as possible.

    For conference registration information, go to the Conference Website:

    As a summer tourism hub, Niagara Falls has an abundance of hotels, motels, and inns. As July is high season, we encourage in-person participants to secure the accommodation you desire sooner rather than later. Direct all questions and inquiries to the Conference Registrar, Dr. Qingli Meng, at qmeng@niagara.edu


    With collegial regards,

    The Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Workplace Mobbing:

    Chair: Richard Peltz-Steele, Law, University of Massachusetts

    Registrar: Qingli Meng, Criminology, Niagara University

    Robert Ashford, Law, Syracuse University

    Walter S. DeKeseredy, Criminology, West Virginia University

    Joseph Donnermeyer, Criminology, The Ohio State University

    Tim Ireland, Provost, Niagara University

    Kenneth Westhues, Sociology, University of Waterloo

    Technical/Logistical Support:

    Yonghong Tong, PhD, Niagara University

    Michael Jeswald, MBA, Niagara University

    Valerie Devine, Assistant Director of Support and Web Development, Niagara University

    Michael Ebbole, Audio Visual Systems Coordinator, Niagara University
    William Stott, Audio Visual Systems Specialist, Niagara University

    Chang Huh, PhD, Niagara University


    Branch, S., Ramsay, S., & Barker, M. (2013). Workplace bullying, mobbing and general harassment: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews15(3), 280-299.

    Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European journal of work and organizational psychology5(2), 165-184

    Westhues, K. (Ed.). (2004). Workplace mobbing in academe: Reports from twenty universities. Edwin Mellen Press.

    Westhues, K. (2005). The envy of excellence: Administrative mobbing of high-achieving professors. (No Title).

    Westhues, K., & Jansen, S. D. (1999). Eliminating professors: A guide to the dismissal process. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education29(2/3), 216.

    Yamada, D., Duffy, M., & Berry, P. A. (2018). Workplace bullying and mobbing: Definitions, terms, and when they matter. Workplace bullying and mobbing in the United States2(1), 2-6.

    Lisa Vargo Williams
    Niagara University
    Niagara University NY
    (716) 286-8163


    OBHR Invitation Letter.pdf   210 KB 1 version