Apply to participate in the OB Division PDW
Bridging Organizational Behavior and Entrepreneurship
The OB Division, in collaboration with the ENT Division and sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation, organizes a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) "Bridging Organizational Behavior and Entrepreneurship" for the 2024 AOM Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. The aim of this PDW is to stimulate and help develop research at the interface of organizational behavior (OB) and entrepreneurship (ENT). AOM has not published the conference program yet, but based on previous deliveries our expectation is that the PDW will be held on Friday, August 9, 8.00-12.00 (including breakfast).
We invite researchers interested in participating to submit a short description of their research at the interface of OB and ENT that they seek to further develop. This can be a short research proposal, an extended summary of a study that you seek to develop for publication, or something that is in-between these two stages of research. At the PDW, you will receive feedback on your research from one of our expert panelists:
Melissa Cardon, University of Tennessee Panelist
Miriam Erez, Technion Panelist
Jeff Gish, University of Central Florida Panelist
Keith Hmieleski, Texas Christian University Panelist
Jeff Pollack, North Carolina State University Panelist
Andreas Rauch, Audencia Panelist
Maija Renko, DePaul University Panelist
Ute Stephan, King's College London Panelist
Marilyn Uy, Nanyang Technology University Panelist
You will also be able to participate in a broader, forward-looking, discussion of how to develop research on the interface of OB and ENT, to connect with the other panelist as well as the other participants who share your interest in research on the OB-ENT interface, and to attend presentations by Gilad Chen on research on the interface of OB and ENT and by Denis Gregoire on publishing ENT research in the Academy of Management Journal.
Submissions should be no longer than 10 pages all included (12 font, 1 in margins, double-spaced) and received no later than June 1, 2024 (but we encourage submitting earlier). Please send submissions to Daan van Knippenberg,
There is a cap on the number of participants this PDW is able to host. We will therefore select submissions based on fit with the PDW, and follow up with an accept/reject decision asap after June 1. Please note that as with all AOM program activities, submitting your application implies a commitment to participate in the (in-person) session if accepted.
The organizers:
Daan van Knippenberg
Brad Kirkman
Jon Carr
Daan Van Knippenberg
Rice University
Houston TX