***Apologies for cross-posting***
16th Annual Organizational Behavior (OB) Research Incubator at the AOM Annual Conference
We invite you to submit a research proposal for the 16th Annual "Organizational Behavior Research Incubator," a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) that provides an exciting opportunity for researchers to receive constructive feedback and guidance from senior OB scholars and to ignite connections and ongoing dialogue around topics of common interest. This session is open to both junior and senior scholars who are conducting research on OB-related topics.
During this session, participants will meet in a small roundtable group setting with leading OB scholars, who will provide direct and specific feedback on your research project. Feedback will be particularly focused on helping you address the challenges you are currently facing in bringing a project to fruition.
Pre-approval of a research proposal is required for registration and participation. To increase engagement with the session and value of the feedback, proposals will be shared with the other participant(s) assigned to a specific facilitator.
Proposal requirements:
Please limit submissions to 6 double-spaced pages (not including the title page or references) and include the following sections. Depending on the stage of the project, these can be more (vs. less) fleshed out:
· Title page including: Title, authors, brief abstract, and 3-5 keywords
· Overview of the research (or a draft of an Introduction)
· Research topic
· Conceptual framework
· Research questions or hypotheses
· Methods or anticipated design of the study
· Challenges you are facing (i.e., the areas on which you would like to focus discussion), including a few specific questions you'd like your assigned facilitator to answer
· References
Important: On the submission form, please identify up to 3 facilitators (from the list below) that you believe are best suited to provide guidance on your proposal.
Deadline and proposal submission: Sunday, June 2, 2024
Please submit your research proposal by the above deadline, using the following online form (you will be able to edit your submission at any time prior to the deadline):
If your proposal is accepted and matched with a facilitator, we will send you the registration code. At that point, interested participants will need to register online at the AOM PDW website. To maintain an intimate setting, we will accept only a limited number of submissions based on the quality of the proposal, fit with the expertise of our facilitator panel, and timeliness.
We have an outstanding slate of productive scholars who will facilitate the session, including:
- Talya Bauer, Portland State University
- Liuba Belkin, Lehigh University
- Drew Carton, University of Pennsylvania
- Chao Chen, Rutgers University
- Cecily Cooper, University of Miami
- Steve Courtright, University of Iowa
- Patricia Hewlin, McGill University (transitioning to Columbia University Teachers College)
- Ivona Hideg, Oxford University & York University
- Astrid Homan, University of Amsterdam
- Jasmine (Jia) Hu, Ohio State University
- Stephen Humphrey, Pennsylvania State University
- Ronit Kark, Bar Ilan University
- Blaine Landis, University College London
- Bob Liden, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Bob Lord, Durham University
- Sharon Parker, Curtin University
- Hettie Richardson, Texas Christian University
- Chris Rosen, University of Arkansas
- Christina Shalley, Georgia Tech
- Elad Sherf, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
- Heather Vough, George Mason University
- Siyu Yu, University of Michigan
We look forward to receiving your proposal submissions!
Best wishes,
Matt Deeg (Abilene Christina University)
Tobias Dennerlein (Purdue University)
Virgil Fenters (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Insiya Hussain (University of Texas at Austin)