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AOM 2024 PDW It's Not Just You! Let's Have an Honest Conversation about Failure

  • 1.  AOM 2024 PDW It's Not Just You! Let's Have an Honest Conversation about Failure

    Posted 29 days ago

    Join us at AOM 2024 for our PDW It's Not Just You! Let's Have an Honest Conversation about Failure.

    Sunday August 11th, 08:00 PM - 11:00 AM, Fairmont in State Room


    Maria Rita Micheli – IESEG School of Management

    Jeanine Pieternel Porck - Oklahoma State U.

    Georg Wernicke - HEC Paris


    Rajshree Agarwal - U. of Maryland

    Dolly Chugh - New York U.

    Amy C. Edmondson - Harvard U.

    Elizabeth P. Karam - James Madison U.

    Elisa Operti - ESSEC Business School

    Krista Pettit - Ivey Business School

    Andre Spicer - City U. London

    Dealing with failure is one of the most common challenges scholars face in their academic careers. In fact, scholars encounter more failures than successes, whether it concerns the publication process, one's career path, or the ability to disseminate knowledge to students and the broader society. Yet, in public we mainly talk about successes and often form narratives of negativity around failure. In this Professional Development Workshop (PDW), we invite participants to rethink the conventional way of seeing failure as the opposite of success. We encourage them to look at failure with curiosity, as an opportunity for personal growth, and by accepting the feeling of vulnerability. This PDW provides an opportunity to hear vivid, real-life stories from a diverse and distinguished panel of scholars about their failures, ranging from dry spells in publishing, to not getting tenure, the acceptance of the 'wrong' job, and much more. Through these open and honest stories, we aim to (a) normalize failure and humanize academia, (b) illustrate how to ask for help if one needs it, and (c) offer practices, skills, and mindsets to overcome failure or even fail successfully. Interactive roundtable discussions and dialogues follow the panel presentations. Panelists and panel organizers lead each roundtable. The roundtable sessions allow participants to suggest strategies to build resilience, share ideas and embrace the possibility to fail.

    Register here for the roundtables https://ieseg.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cuat2Yfiyhj2mY6

    Maria Rita Micheli
    IESEG School of Management
    Paris La Défense