Join us for this highly interactive PDW!
This timely and engaging PDW is part of a new multi-year initiative aimed at exploring the scholarly foundations of ODC. In 2024, the effort consists of a series of webinars that will explore different perspectives on the research and practices related to creating vibrant, healthy, and flourishing teams, organizations, and communities. This PDW will help to deepen and strengthen the insights of the webinars, also serving as a forum to generate awareness and engagement with this endeavor, capture tacit knowledge from ODC scholars and colleagues from related fields, and develop perspectives on future directions. The PDW includes five phases:
(1) Introduction to the ODC Foundations initiative.
(2) Review and dialogue on the highlights of the webinars.
(3) Engaged dialogue as an invitation to join the initiative.
(4) Exploration of future possibilities.
(5) Designing for the next steps.
This lively workshop aspires to attract the engagement of people who relate to ODC from different perspectives and in different forms, such as scholars, practitioners, lecturers, students, and executives. After all, only in the spirit of collaboration will we be able to explore the scholarly foundations of ODC to create vibrant, healthy, and flourishing teams, organizations, and communities. Preregistration is requested but not required to attend. Please email to register.
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2024 13:00 – 15:00 CT (GMT-5/UTC-5)
Location: Marriott, Armitage
David Bright - Wright State U.
Ignacio Pavez - Pontificia U. Católica de Chile
Melanie De Ruiter - Nyenrode Business U.
Steven H. Cady - Bowling Green State U.
Danny Van Montfort - Nyenrode Business U.
Ignacio Pavez
Assistant Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile