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Registration for the Annual Behavioral Ethics Pecha Kucha Springboard and Networking PDW

  • 1.  Registration for the Annual Behavioral Ethics Pecha Kucha Springboard and Networking PDW

    Posted 07-29-2024 18:59

    Registration is open and there are still a few spots available for this year's Annual Behavioral Ethics Pecha Kucha Springboard and Networking PDW, which will take place during the Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago on Saturday August 10, from 1:30PM to 4:00PM Central (Chicago) time, in the Swissotel room Zurich C. This year's theme is "Traversing Difficult Conversations."

    The PDW consists of two parts. The first part is open to all AOM attendees. It features eight Pecha Kucha (timed 5-minute) presentations by experts in the behavioral ethics (and adjacent) field(s). The presenters and their topics are:

    -      Ned Wellman (Arizona State University) on "The challenges of ethical voice"

    -      Madeleine Rauch (University of Cambridge) on "Difficult conversations with research subjects"

    -      McKenzie Preston (The University of Pennsylvania) on "Moral framing and leaders' support for DEI issues"

    -      Elizabeth McClean (Cornell University) on "The voice calculus revisited: How idea content shapes the decision to speak up"

    -      Angelica Leigh (Duke University) on "Ideas on difficult conversations related to race and DEI"

    -      Julia Langdon (ESMT Berlin) on "Difficult conversations related to disability accommodations"

    -      Amelia Compagni (Bocconi University) on "Ethical responses to challenging situations: When ethics is the only compass at one's disposal"

    -      Taya Cohen (Carnegie Mellon University) on "Honest conversations"

    After the presentations, session organizers Marie Mitchell, Linda Treviño, and Niki den Nieuwenboer will facilitate a thought-provoking plenary discussion.

    The second part of the PDW is an informal networking reception that is open only to those who register in advance. It is capped at 100 attendees, on a first come first served basis. You can register on the link that is provided below. The Pecha Kucha presenters will be available to mingle. They will be joined by the session organizers as well as other behavioral ethics scholars, including Ryan Fehr (University of Washington), Keith Leavitt (Oregon State University), Elizabeth Morrison (New York University), Kristin Smith-Crowe (Boston University), Ann Tenbrunsel (Notre Dame University), Dave Welsh (Arizona State University), and Scott Wiltermuth (University of Southern California).

    Please register for this second part of the PDW through the below link:

    We hope to see you there! For questions, please feel free to email niki@ku.edu

    Session organizers: 
    Niki A. den Nieuwenboer (The University of Kansas)
    Marie S. Mitchell (The
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
    Linda K. Treviño (The Pennsylvania State University)

    Niki Den Nieuwenboer
    The University of Kansas
    Lawrence KS