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Panel Symposium: Defining the Creator Economy

  • 1.  Panel Symposium: Defining the Creator Economy

    Posted 07-30-2024 07:10

    Please join us for the symposium "Defining the Creator Economy" at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, August 11th, 1:45-3:15pm at the Fairmont Diplomat Room.

    This is a panel symposium hosted by the Creator Economy Working Group, a group of researchers working on projects related to the creator economy. We have four panelists joining us to discuss the future of creator economy research from the viewpoint of their respective literatures:

    Lindsey Cameron (Wharton) - Platform and Gig Economy

    Curtis Chan (Boston College) - Work and Occupations

    Rem Koning (HBS) - Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Pat Reilly (UBC) - Cultural Production and Creative Industries

    Symposium Abstract: The creator economy has grown exponentially in its economic, cultural, and social impact during the past decade, but management scholarship has yet to catch up with this significant phenomenon. To facilitate emerging research on the creator economy, this panel symposium brings together scholars from various subfields of management as part of a conversation that seeks to define the most valuable theoretical and practical aspects of this phenomenon. Given the connections of content creators to gig and platform work, entrepreneurship, cultural production, and work and occupations, we have invited four panelists from each of these areas to engage in a conversation with members of the Creator Economy Working Group. Through the moderated discussion and audience dialogue, our hope is that this panel symposium will provide a generative starting point from which we can develop a shared understanding on how to update and develop theory to explain this phenomenon while engaging in a mutually fruitful stream of research that brings the creator economy into the mainstream of management scholarship.

    We hope you will join us, and please feel free to reach out to the organizers at jenna.song@kellogg.northwestern.edu or yunhacho@umich.edu .

    Jenna Song & Yun Ha Cho

    Yun Ha Cho
    University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor MI