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'Authentic Leadership: 20-Year Review' - Special Issue Editorial & Papers

  • 1.  'Authentic Leadership: 20-Year Review' - Special Issue Editorial & Papers

    Posted 10-24-2024 10:37
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    Dear fellow OB scholars,

    We're thrilled to announce that the Journal of Management & Organization (JMO) Special Issue "Authentic Leadership: 20-Year Review" has been completed and will be published in early 2025.

    Please find the our editorial attached - it's published Open Access. We redefine authentic leadership through signalling theory to address unresolved critiques, provide a platform for meaningful progress, and to enable a cohesive dialogue among the papers that follow.

    Here are the accepted articles in this Special Issue:

    Authentic leadership: 20-Year review editorial.
    by Andrei Lux and Kevin Lowe.

    Article 1
    "Let's get real" … when we lead: A systematic review, critical assessment, and agenda for future authentic leadership theory and research.
    by William Gardner, Elizabeth Karam, Farzaneh Noghani, Claudia Cogliser, Daniel Gullifor, Ketan Mhatre, Shucheng Ge, Ran Bi, Zhen Yan, and Dara Dahunsi.

    Article 2
    Rethinking authentic leadership: An alternative approach based on dynamic processes of active identity, self-regulation, and ironic processes of mental control.
    by Aldijana Bunjak, Robert Lord, and Bryan Acton.

    Article 3
    The crown must always win: Re-thinking authentic leadership through "The Crown" series.
    by Ronit Kark and Ben Cohen.

    Article 4
    The use of experimental designs to examine causality in authentic leadership: A scoping review.
    by Ann Dadich, Ling He, Andrei Lux, and Kevin Lowe.

    Article 5
    Does the talk match the walk? Effects of leader exemplification and ethical conduct on perceived leader authenticity, trust, and organisational advocacy.
    by William Gardner, Rachel Clapp-Smith, Ketan Mhatre, Bruce Avolio, Adrian Chan, Larry Hughes, Pavas Pandey, and Iris Sun.

    These articles are now in production and will be published online soon as 'First View' articles with DOI numbers.

    Our thanks go out to the contributing authors, our dedicated reviewers, the JMO Editor-in-Chief Vanessa Ratten, and the JMO production team, who have helped make this valuable contribution possible.

    Thank you!

    Dr Andrei Lux
    Professor Kevin Lowe

    Associate Editors (Special Issue)
    Journal of Management & Organization (JMO)
    5-year Impact Factor 4.60


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    Lux & Lowe (2025).pdf   126 KB 1 version