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The Dao of Foresight is soon to be published with Penguin Random House - Express your interest here!

  • 1.  The Dao of Foresight is soon to be published with Penguin Random House - Express your interest here!

    Posted 05-27-2024 06:40

    Dear Friends & Colleagues, 

    I hope this message finds you well! In case you haven't seen the news on the socials, I'd like to share with you that my upcoming book, The Dao of Foresight, will soon be published by Penguin Random House! The temporary cover is attached. This book is a piece of creative non-fiction where I blend my academic knowledge in the field of strategic foresight with my deep passion for Eastern Asian cultures and philosophies to reach a larger audience.
    From the most recent synopsis: A quick encounter between a NUS Professor of foresight and a struggling entrepreneur in near-future Singapore transforms into an Asian tale beyond time and space. The reader is taken along the captivating journey of a young apprentice, Jigo, who goes through many obstacles to learn foresight from the wise Master Fu and save his village in danger. Blending fiction with non-fiction, in each chapter the reader is introduced to a new foresight technique through a timeless relationship between master and disciple imbued with the wisdom of Eastern Asian traditions (Confucianism, Daoism, Zen Buddhism). Through the continuous juxtaposition of the old and the new, the Dao of Foresight intertwines mystery and adventure with learning, and inspires curiosity, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the core principles of foresight.
    If you wish to be informed about the future developments of this project, such as special deals, illustrations, final book cover and final publication date, please fill up this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4LRIMHh5SRz4dcr8aUC1qrGT5CcXsC1CRkC1PgR66tk6h1w/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&pli=1
    In case you think you are able and interested to provide feedback to the final draft of the book, feel free to dm me!

    Alex Fergnani
    Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi
    Fetzer Scholar with the Academy of Management