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Registered Revisions are here!!

  • 1.  Registered Revisions are here!!

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hi everyone:

    I am pleased to announce that The Leadership Quarterly (LQ) has officially launched a pilot trial of a Registered Revisions (RR) process! With full credit due to the Center for Open Science: This project aims to push the boundaries in evidence-based policy making for science. It is 1) A novel pre-commitment device for peer review called Registered Revisions, 2) The first randomized experiment of journal policies of its type, and 3) The first semi-centralized study-in-a-kit style prospective meta-analysis.

    What does this mean for you?

    If you submit a traditional empirical study to LQ, you will have the chance to consent into the trial (consenting or not does not influence your chance of publication). If you consent, you will be randomly assigned into a standard peer review pathway or a registered revision pathway. In this latter category, if a reviewer makes a qualify comment regarding a request for additional data, you will complete a registered revision process which would provide an in-principle acceptance (IPA) prior to the data collection. The spirit of this initiative is that it will allow LQ, the Center for Open Science and the broader scientific community (beyond the other participating journals) to consider the advantages and any disadvantages of such a policy change.

    I hope you will consider submitting to the journal and participating in this initiative!

    Warm regards,


    George C. Banks, Ph.D.
    Chair, Department of Management | Affiliate Faculty School of Data Science
    Editor-in-Chief, The Leadership Quarterly
    Deputy Title IX Coordinator-Office of Civil Rights and Title IX