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UBC Sauder - Call for PhD applications

  • 1.  UBC Sauder - Call for PhD applications

    Posted 17 days ago

    The Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) division of the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business is accepting applications for our PhD Program. We welcome applications from prospective students across the fields of organizational behavior, human resources, and organization theory. Successful applicants specifically will have interests that align with and build on those core to our division's expertise, in issues ranging from how to manage the dark side of the workplace to how we might push toward more diverse and inclusive organizations to how innovations like AI have been shaping the future of work and organizing. We further encourage applications from students interested in any of the various methodological approaches represented across the division, including ethnography and interviews, machine learning methods, and/or experiments.

    For more information on the PhD program and the application process, please visit our graduate program's website at https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/graduate-degree-programs/phd-business-administration-organizational-behaviour.

    For more information on our division, please visit our website at https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/thought-leadership/divisions/organizational-and-behaviour-human-resources and direct any inquiries to the director of our PhD program Kevin Lee (kevin.lee@sauder.ubc.ca).

    Kevin Lee
    University of British Columbia