Please join us at AOM 2024 in Chicago for the annual PDW on The Productivity Process: Research Tips and Strategies from Prolific Junior Faculty. The purpose of the PDW is to help junior faculty face the challenges of being productive. Importantly, the PDW acknowledges research productivity as a process that can be improved through learning. Presenters will discuss their work habits and how they go about their work (e.g., time allocation, co-authorships, writing blocks, and strategies) as well as other "life" factors that influence their productivity (e.g., exercise, work/family balance). This session includes individual presentations, a panel discussion, small group roundtables, and a keynote address. We encourage Ph.D. students, as well as faculty across all stages of their careers-Assistant, Associate, and Full-to join this session, to collectively reflect on, learn from, and share productivity-related strategies.
Junior Faculty Speakers
This year, our panelists include: Drs. Tiffany Johnson (Georgia Tech.), Hemant Kakkar (Indian School of Business), Joanna Lin (U. Georgia), Chris Myers (John Hopkins U.), Kira Schabram (U. Washington), and Kate Zipay (Purdue U.).
Junior Faculty Roundtable Hosts
Drs. Stefan Berger (U. Groningen), Ji Koung Kim (Texas A&M), and Harshad Puranik (U. Illinois).
Distinguished Speaker (Keynote)
Dr. Joyce Bono (U. Florida)
Session Details
Session #10567: The Productivity Process: Research Tips and Strategies from Prolific Junior Faculty
Date: Friday, August 9, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. CT (UTC-5)
Location: Swissotel, Lucerne I
Session Type: In-person only
Nitya Chawla (U. Minnesota), Tim Kundro (U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Ulrich Leicht-Deobald (Trinity College Dublin), Semin Park (Pennsylvania State U.)
Space is limited. First come, first served.
DEADLINE to register: Sunday, July 28th @ 11:59 EST
Registration Form: https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Lg9VpnkmNivdvE
For any questions, please reach out to Nitya Chawla (nchawla@umn.edu).
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
- The 2024 Productivity Process PDW Organizing Team
Nitya Chawla
Assistant Professor
Work and Organizations
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota