Dear OMT Colleagues,
I am excited to announce a mini-conference, Decentralization in Organization (DiO), organized by Vivianna Fang He (University of St.Gallen), Ying-Ying Hsieh (Imperial College London), Michael Y. Lee (INSEAD), Phanish Puranam (INSEAD), and Melissa Schilling (NYU Stern). Recent years have seen a proliferation of decentralized forms of organizing: less hierarchical organizations, social movements, platform ecosystems, open source communities and and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). Decentralization stands as a key ingredient in many important contemporary organizational phenomena. However, research on decentralization in organizations remains fragmented.
We are thrilled to have invited an exciting line up of scholars who work in this space, across levels of analysis, to present and discuss their works. You can find the detailed conference program, which will take place June 17 – 18, 2024 and the list of speakers here.
We would like to extend online participation for those who are enthusiastic about the topic. Please register here for receiving the link to joining us online.
Look forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
The Organizers
Michael Lee
Assistant Professor