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Join our next HIBAR Research Alliance webinar on January 23

  • 1.  Join our next HIBAR Research Alliance webinar on January 23

    Posted 01-13-2025 19:51

    Sent to HIBAR Research Alliance mailing list subscribers


    Improving Safe Behaviors on the Roadways:  

    Research and Education for Driving Safety

    Thursday, January 23, 2025
    11am-noon Pacific Time (2-3pm Eastern Time)

    All are welcome - please feel free to share this event notice.

    REGISTER HERE https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3kGgoQnsSlG7hlJVbbykoQ#/registration

    The prevalence of motor vehicle crashes remains a significant problem, causing not only physical and emotional harm to victims and their families but also imposing significant costs on society as a whole. The Transportation Research and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS: https://treds.ucsd.edu/) Center at the University of California San Diego is addressing this problem, using a multidisciplinary approach to understand the human behaviors contributing to crashes, and designing and implementing interventions to improve safe driving and thereby prevent crashes.

    The TREDS team brings cross-sectoral expertise in public health, medical engineering, law enforcement, and neuroscience to better understand how fatigue, distraction, impairment, and aging driver challenges contribute to motor vehicle accidents. They have developed multiple evidence-based curricula to promote safe driving behaviors, and their resulting "train the trainer" courses have been embraced across the U.S. by health professionals, law enforcement officers, safety educators, and community organizations.

    In this webinar, Dr. Linda Hill, TREDS Director, and Retired California Highway Patrol Officer Jake Sanchez will describe the significant and ongoing collaboration between TREDS and the California Highway Patrol to develop and deliver curriculum across a variety of driving safety-related topics. They will share how the results of cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary research have been vital for understanding the many complex factors that relate to safe driving, and for determining how to deliver material in a way that drives positive behavior change.

    Webinar speakers:

    Linda Hill

    University of California San Diego

    Jake Sanchez

    California Highway Patrol

    Linda Hill, MD, is a Distinguished Professor and Founding Faculty of the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health at UC San Diego. In her role as the Director of the Transportation Research and Education for Driving Safety Center (TREDS), she is engaged in prevention research and teaching.

    Jake Sanchez recently retired as a Public Information Officer for the California Highway Patrol. As part of this role, he collaborated with the TREDS team as they developed and delivered courses to promote safe driving behaviors among commercial truck drivers, the general public, and older adults. 

    For more information about the HIBAR Research Alliance, visit www.hibar-research.org

    HIBAR Research Alliance
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    Vancouver, British Columbia | V6T 1Z1 | Canada

    Ke Cao
    Assistant Professor
    Wilfrid Laurier University
    Waterloo ON