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JOB SI: Challenging the Narrative of Unseemly Female Bodies - Centering Women's Reproductive Health and Work

  • 1.  JOB SI: Challenging the Narrative of Unseemly Female Bodies - Centering Women's Reproductive Health and Work

    Posted 01-08-2025 21:57

    Dear Colleagues, 

    I'd like to draw your attention to the upcoming deadline (submission window: February 1-15, 2025) for our Journal of Organizational Behavior Special Issue on "Challenging the Narrative of Unseemly Female Bodies: Centering Women's Reproductive Health and Work". 

    Guest Editors: Winny Shen (York University), Nitya Chawla (University of Minnesota), Allison Gabriel (Purdue University), Ivona Hideg (University of Oxford & York University), Kristen Jones (University of Memphis), Jamie Ladge (Boston College), Kristen Shockley (Auburn University), and Jennifer Wessel (University of Maryland) 
    The aim of our special issue is to spotlight rigorous research examining the relationships between women's reproductive health (e.g., menstruation, maternity, menopause) and work. We are interested in work centering on both directions (i.e., how women's reproductive health affects work, as well as how work affects women's health and well-being). We hope that this forum will help to move work on women's (bodily) issues to the mainstream of OB/HRM research. 
    We look forward to your submissions! 

    Winny Shen
    Winny Shen Person
    Toronto ON