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Human Resource Management Journal Editorial: New Section HRM and and Small Business

  • 1.  Human Resource Management Journal Editorial: New Section HRM and and Small Business

    Posted 6 days ago

    Human Resource Management Journal (CABS/AJG 4*) is a globally orientated HRM journal that promotes the understanding of human resource management to academics and practicing managers. HRMJ seeks to publish scholarly articles on any aspect of employment studies but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work

    HRMJ New Section: HRM and Small Business/Enterprise

    Dear Colleagues 

    We are thrilled to introduce a new section - HRM and Small Business/Enterprise in HRMJ to bring fresh perspectives and cutting-edge insights to our readers led by Professor Benson Honig. 

    The editorial, "Advancing HRM for Entrepreneurs, Nascent Markets, and Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Contexts," introduces this new section and invites researchers and practitioners to push boundaries and redefine what successful HR practices look like within today's global and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystems.

    You can access the full editorial here: https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12576

    We look forward to your submissions in this new HRMJ section.

    Kind Regards

    Dr. Soumyadeb Chowdhury
    Associate Professor Analytics, Technology and Sustainability
    Associate Communications Editor
    Human Resource Management Journal
    TBS Education, Toulouse, France