Human Resource Management Journal (CABS/AJG 4*) is a globally orientated HRM journal that promotes the understanding of human resource management to academics and practicing managers. HRMJ seeks to publish scholarly articles on any aspect of employment studies but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work
Dear Colleagues
HRMJ is inviting submissions for a special issue on " Advancing Robust Scale Development for Human Resource Management Research".
Guest Editors: Shuang Ren, Soumyadeb Chowdhury, and Robert E. Wood.
Consulting Editor for the SI: Pawan Budhwar, Co-Editor-in-Chief HRMJ
HRMJ Special Issues and Reviews Editor: Dermot Breslin
The aim of this special issue is to advance research on the development of robust measurement scales within the HRM field that better reflect contemporary contexts and emerging nature of work, HR policies and systems. We invite researchers to submit papers that develop scales for novel constructs in HRM, using rigorous quantitative and/or qualitative methods, and that are applicable across various cultural and organizational contexts. Contributions from diverse industries, regions, and types of organizations (e.g., SMEs, large corporations, public institutions) are highly encouraged.
Please read the full call for papers here:
The submission is a two-stage process (please refer to the guidelines in the CfP)
Extended abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2025
Decision on extended abstract: June 2025
Extended abstract invited for full paper submission: 30 November 2025
An invitation does not guarantee acceptance. The submitted full papers will undergo HRMJ's rigorous peer review process, which includes evaluation first by the guest editorial team and then three independent reviewers.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Dr. Soumyadeb Chowdhury
Associate Professor Analytics, Technology and Sustainability
Associate Communications Editor
Human Resource Management Journal
TBS Education, Toulouse, France