Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Ph.D. World Class Scholar and Distinguished University Professor Department of Psychology | 4202 East Fowler Avenue PCD 4118G University of South Florida | Tampa, FL 33620 E-mail: Voice: 813-974-0359 Incoming Chair, Publications & Communications Board (P&C), American Psychological Association Chair, Journals Advisory Committee, P&C, American Psychological Association Series Editor, Organizational Psychology, The Oxford Library of Psychology Series Editor, SIOP Science, Translation, and Application, Oxford University Press Web Site Google Scholar Due to Florida's broad open records law, email to or from university employees is public record, available to the public and the media upon request. This message, any information contained therein, and any files attached hereto are intended solely for the individual to whom this message is addressed. This message and any attached files are confidential and may contain information that is proprietary and/or legally privileged. Any disclosure, distribution, or copying of this message or files and information contained therein is unauthorized and may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and delete all copies of this message from your system. Thank you for your cooperation. | Organizations, Processes, Teams & Individuals: Modeling & Analysis |