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Editor Search: Journal of Applied Psychology

  • 1.  Editor Search: Journal of Applied Psychology

    Posted 10 days ago

    Dear Colleagues:


    We are currently seeking to fill the position of editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology  for a term of 6½ years, to begin in January of 2026. We are looking for candidates who best meet the criteria for editor of an APA journal, which include scientific and scholarly excellence in the person's own contributions as well as evidence of a broad intellectual perspective, good judgment, exceptional communication skills, and management skills appropriate to an editor, such as service as an associate editor.

    We are also looking for a person who is committed to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion and who will incorporate this into the role. We very much hope that you will help us by suggesting candidates for this important position or, if you feel your qualifications are in line with the criteria we have described here, that you will apply.
    To nominate candidates yourself (self-nominations are also welcome), please register or log in to 
    editorsearch.apa.org . Please note that you will need to register on the site before you are allowed access for the first time. Nominees will be contacted with further instructions. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 13, 2025.

    If interested, please contact Jennifer Chase at 
    jchase@apa.org  for a description of an APA journal editor's activities and how APA supports editors, including the establishment of an editorial office, staff support, budget, and honoraria. This support is viewed as competitive in the scholarly publishing field. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the address listed below.


    Steve W. J. Kozlowski, PhD
    Chair, Journal of Applied Psychology Editor Search Committee


    Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Ph.D.

    World Class Scholar and Distinguished University Professor

    Department of Psychology | 4202 East Fowler Avenue PCD 4118G

    University of South Florida | Tampa, FL  33620

    E-mail: skozlowski@usf.edu  Voice: 813-974-0359


    Incoming Chair, Publications & Communications Board (P&C), American Psychological Association

    Chair, Journals Advisory Committee, P&C, American Psychological Association

    Series Editor, Organizational Psychology, The Oxford Library of Psychology

    Series Editor, SIOP Science, Translation, and Application, Oxford University Press


    Web Site       Google Scholar 

    Due to Florida's broad open records law, email to or from university employees is public record, available to the public and the media upon request. 


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    Organizations, Processes, Teams & Individuals: Modeling & Analysis