Want more connection with colleagues around the world who are interested in the value that contemplation brings to our work across cultures?
Come to our session with Dr Anil Maheshwari sharing his experience and knowledge of practices for consciousness!
Thursday, 16 January 2025
4:00-5:30 pm PT [USA] / 7:00-8:30 pm ET [USA] /
9:00-10:30 pm Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro /
Friday, 17 Jan, morning – check times - Sydney, Auckland, Tokyo
Meeting ID: 865 6036 3191
Passcode: breathe!
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keq4yiWRGj
There are no prerequisites or expectations as to previous experience or knowledge. All are invited to dialogue together!
Dr Anil Maheshwari is a Professor of Management and Information Systems at Maharishi International University, USA, the home of consciousness-based education and is the Program Chair of MSR. As a scholar and seeker at the intersection of leadership, technology, and spirituality, he has contributed 16 books and textbooks, 50 papers and book chapters, and 60 conference presentations and webinars.
This session is one of a series of quarterly gatherings sponsored by the MSR Division focused on bringing together awareness practice and scholarship in our lives. In each session, the presenter shares a selected practice from their own cultural and spiritual tradition from around the world. Attendees learn about the practice, experience that practice, and then reflect together regarding how personal experiences of this and other spiritual practices support them in their scholarship and action.