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Calling Academics in Dual Career Partnerships

  • 1.  Calling Academics in Dual Career Partnerships

    Posted 5 days ago

    We are a team of OB/HR and I/O Psychology researchers currently conducting a qualitative study on the experiences of dual career academic partners (i.e., both partners work in academia, and at least one person is tenured/tenure-track).

    We wanted to ask dual career academics in our OB division to consider participation, as this is such an important research topic to many in our communities. If you would be interested in participating and would like to learn more, or know people who you think would be interested, we invite you to contact us (rawls.dualcareers@ttu.edu) to follow-up with next steps.

    Thank you so much for your consideration.

    Drs. Christy Nittrouer (TTU), Lauren Locklear (TTU), Kim French (CSU), Larry Martinez (UTA), and Nicholas Smith (UTA)
    (This research has IRB approval: IRB2024-493)

    Christine Nittrouer
    Assistant Professor
    Lubbock TX