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AMP: Open for business!

  • 1.  AMP: Open for business!

    Posted 07-25-2024 11:51

    The incoming editorial team at Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is pleased to announce that the technical switchover has been completed and we are now open for business! If you wish to submit a manuscript to AMP, please start here.

    AMP seeks papers that:

    • Inform an issue of evident importance to managerial practice and/or policy, and 
    • Engage in rigorous and original conceptual or empirical analysis, and
    • Concisely and clearly convey key ideas to a non-specialized audience

    You can review essays that explain our revised mission here and here. I've also created a presentation that explains the implementation of our mission that you can view here.

    Please note that in addition to standard articles, we have two new and exciting ways to contribute: Constructive Confrontations and Practitioner Perspectives. Please follow the links for more information about each. On the latter, please note that co-authorship between scholars and practitioners on a novel conceptual or empirical study is a welcome feature of our standard articles and is not a Practitioner Perspectives essay. Rather, in a Practitioner Perspectives essay, we want to hear directly from a senior scholar about their personal experiences with a relevant issue and have this put into context by an academic expert on the topic.    

    I hope to get a chance to share more insights with you at the upcoming annual meeting in Chicago. We have several sessions that may interest you. Specifically:

    Sun, Aug. 11, 1:30pm-3pm: Publishing in AMP: Tips from the Editors (Hyatt Regency Chicago, New Orleans).

    Mon, Aug. 12, 11am-noon: AMP Reviewer Workshop (Hyatt Regency Chicago, McCormick).

    Mon, Aug. 12, 4-5pm: Conversations with the Editors: AMP (Hyatt Regency Chicago, Wright).

    If we don't happen to cross paths in Chicago, we have many other outreach activities, to include:

    September 16, 2024

    PDW in Florianopolis, Brazil; at ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management)

    October 24-26, 2024

    Editorial panel in Perth, Australia; at Industrial & Organisational Psych (IOP) conference

    November 1, 2024

    Editorial panel in San Antonio, TX; at Southern Management Association meeting

    May 22-24, 2025

    Editorial panel at Iberoamerican Academy of Management 2025 meeting, Madrid, Spain

    Look, we've complained for a very long time that our rigorous research has had too little impact on practice and policy. It doesn't have to be that way. We can matter, if we get AMPed!

    Yours in AMPlification,



    Michael Barnett
    Rutgers University
    Newark NJ
    (973) 353-3697